And there you are. In the liquor store, specialty store or wholesaler. With your list in your hand, you pace along the racks with red, white, sweet, dry, young, old, French, Italian and German wines. Sparkling wines, Australian wines, rosé, ice wine, Spanish wine…
Earlier a shop assistant came over to ask if he could help you out, but slightly irritated (and even a bit arrogantly) you sent him away saying: “No thanks, I'm fine. I know what I’m doing”. After all, you spent several evenings searching the web for the best wines and grapes, went to a lot of wine tastings and gained knowledge in good restaurants and through friends and acquaintances. But, as your eyes fly from left to right and from top to bottom along the racks, you are now slowly starting to feel dizzy.
Half an hour has gone by and you still have no idea what wine you should buy. For a dinner party at home with friends, it’s easy. You know exactly who likes what. The neighbor just wants a nice easy-going rosé, your university friends appreciate a good, full-bodied red wine and your wife prefers to drink Sauvignon Blanc, because Chardonnay gives her a headache. But this is something else.
Last week you bought a beautiful (and pricy) wine cabinet. It's safe in the basement and you want to start filling it this weekend. Not with just any wine, but with wine that is really worth something! To let it sit for a few years before it is really ready to drink. For special occasions perhaps, but mainly because you want to expand your investment portfolio. And this time not with stocks or bitcoin, but with something tangible. A tangible asset. Fine wine.
You yourself are fond of Cabernet Sauvignon and preferably from a well-known chateau. That tastes just a little better. So it must be a good investment. Right? Or should you start with a Riesling? How many bottles should you buy? How much money should you spend per bottle?
The shop assistant cautiously approaches you again. This time you let go of your pride and ask for advice. A few minutes later you’re outside with a case of Cabernet Sauvignon and a case of Sauvignon Blanc. You forgot the name of the winery, but the shop assistant had a good story and you also got some discount. Oh well, if it turns out to be the wrong purchase and the value only drops in the near future, at least you'll have a few bottles of wine that you can enjoy with friends. You're done for now.
You are right about one thing: if the result is disappointing, you can always drink the wine yourself. But for the rest, we say: go home, don't be discouraged and start up your laptop. Go to and download the Whitepaper: Investing in Fine Wine. A collection of the most important facts, figures and background information on:
- Why you should invest in wine!
- What kind of an investor are you?
- How you can invest in wine!
- What should you invest in?
- What to know before you start!
- How and where should you store your wine?
- Buying and selling your wine!
Open one of those bottles of wine you bought, pour yourself a glass and take your time to read. Investing in fine wine is a lucrative and exciting adventure with great benefits, but only if you play it right!
We combined our own experience and knowledge with a wealth of information we found on the internet and the result is this whitepaper. To help you get started and to enrich your knowledge on investing in wine.
But remember: this whitepaper is just the beginning of a long adventure and only touches the basis of all the knowledge that is out there. You are not done. Your journey is just beginning!