"Investing in fine wine gets you much better results than investing in shares", according to Jaap van Dijk and Klaas de Groot; owners of MundoVini [experts in exquisite wines].
From 2003 to mid-May 2022, the AEX experienced an increase of 109%; from 323 to 675 points. The Top 1000 wine, on the other hand, has an increase of no less than 339% in the same period; from 100 to 439.25. *)
MundoVini is a brand new online wine shop for the niche market of exclusive wines. It is the starting point for any search for special, unique, exquisite and rare wines that are worth investing in. The company was founded by lifelong friends Jaap and Klaas, who as qualified wine enthusiasts both have a lot of experience in selecting and drinking vintage wines from verified, impeccable domains as well as in finding wines with distinctive character.
Together with the online wine shop, MundoVini Podcast was launched.
In this podcast, Jaap and Klaas focus on exclusive and rare wines and treat the audience to their own experiences, wine adventures, advice and knowledge in a playful way. The podcast mainly focuses on consumers who want to invest in or enjoy rare, special and special wines.
Because not every wine will give you a good return on investment, the audience is also given advise in how to achieve the best results when investing in fine wine. In case of disappointing results, however, Jaap states that: "...if all fails, at least you can always open it up and enjoy a good drink with your friends!”
*) Sources: Financieel Dagblad, Liv-ex (The London International Vintners Exchange)