Kurk en andere geuren die niet thuishoren in je wijn!
To start with a common misconception: having cork in your wine does not only occur in wines with a cork wine stopper! It can also be caused by other materials that come into contact with the wine, such as the barrels and bottles. But chances are you already knew that.

Cork in wine is caused by the chemical 2,4,6-trichloroanisole (TCA), which is formed by the reaction of a fungus with chlorophenols commonly present in cork. It's an annoying mistake that can significantly ruin the aromas and flavors of the wine.

A wine affected by cork usually has a musty smell, reminiscent of a damp cellar or wet newspaper. It also suppresses the fruity character of the wine's taste to replace it with a bitter taste and an unpleasant aftertaste.

To prevent cork in the wine, it is best to store your wine in a cool, dark room and preferably in a bottle with a screw cap or synthetic stopper instead of cork. If you do come across a bottle of wine with a cork, it's best to return it to the seller and ask for a replacement bottle.

Besides cork, there are other smells that absolutely do not belong in a good bottle of wine. These odors may indicate errors in the winemaking process, poor storage conditions, or other problems. The most important 'bad smells' in a row:

  • Mold: Moldy odors in wine are often the result of a mold infestation in the cellar or on the cork. This can lead to a musty or moldy smell.
  • Vinegar: Vinegar-like odors in wine are often the result of an excess of acetic acid. This can be caused by oxidation, a bad cork or bacteria present in the wine.
  • Sulfur: Sulfur is a common preservative in wine, but too much sulfur can cause an unpleasant smell similar to rotten eggs.
  • Cooking: Smells from cooked fruits or vegetables can indicate an overripe or overheated wine, which can affect the taste of the wine.
  • Barnyard: Some wines have a barn or farm smell. This can be caused by a bacterial infection or by the presence of wild yeasts.
If you encounter any of these odors in a bottle of wine, it is likely that there is something wrong with the wine. Let the wine breathe first and taste it again after some time before you decide to throw it away. In some cases, after the wine has oxidized for some time, the smell may still diminish. If the smell still persists, throw the wine away and open a new bottle.